Voter registration training

Learn how to assist others in registering to vote.

Two-hour video produced on Sep 11, 2024 by LWV-Greater Chippewa Valley.


Vote on Tuesday, November 5

This November, voters will have another harmful, divisive constitutional amendment on their ballot. We will show up and vote no and keep Wisconsin moving forward.

Our voting rights are literally on the ballot with this amendment. The change from "every" to "only" is a downgrade to all of our voting rights. The language changes our constitutionally protected voting rights from a guarantee for all citizens to a limitation that could be used to erode our voting rights. 

Top-line Reasons to Vote No 

1. This is an attack on our freedom to vote.

  • Changing  the language from “every” citizen to “only” citizens would allow lawmakers to further limit our right to vote, including implementing proof of citizenship requirements despite knowing that 1 in 10 US Citizens don't have the documents to prove their citizenship.

  • This anti-voter amendment would change the language of our state’s constitution. It could open the door to an even more complicated registration process and discriminatory practices against voters of color, non-English-speaking individuals and those who speak English as a second language

2. The rigged state legislature isn't doing its job. 

  • Wisconsinites have had five confusing constitutional amendments on the ballot this year. We’ve had enough of these wide-sweeping, harmful amendments. Our legislators need to do their job – work with the governor to pass policies. 

  • This is another example of the gerrymandered legislature trying to pick their voters. It’s a last minute power-grab before voters chose a new legislature using the new fair maps this November.

3. Wisconsin is stronger when we stand together.

This constitutional amendment aims to divide us and pit us against our neighbors. Wisconsinites know we are better when we stand together. Let’s say no to the lies and vote this amendment down.

The Question

Voters should be prepared to answer this question in the November 5 :

“Eligibility to vote. Shall section 1 of article III of the constitution, which deals with suffrage, be amended to provide that only a United States citizen age 18 or older who resides in an election district may vote in an election for national, state, or local office or at a statewide or local referendum?"

A “yes” vote - supports the changes to the constitution. A “yes” vote indicates support for changing our state constitution to remove the guarantee that “every” U.S. citizen has the right to vote in favor of language that limits the right to vote to “only” U.S. citizens while opening the door to further limits to the right to vote.

A “no” vote - opposes the changes to the constitution. A “no” vote indicates support for keeping the guarantee in our state constitution that “every” U.S. citizen has the right to vote.

The League is gearing up to stand with partners and voters to take down this bad constitutional amendment. We won’t let the legislature erode our voting rights.