Pro-Democracy Reforms - HR1

LWVUS has contacted all states to join in the grassroots advocacy efforts in support of the pro-democracy reforms that will be introduced in Congress as HR1.

The League is very excited at the prospect of HR1 because it aims to include elements that align with many of the League’s long-held positions, like election modernization, redistricting reform, restoring the Voting Rights Act and creating a public financing system.

LWV is advocating for the prioritization of the following essential elements of the bill: 


We must modernize the registration process through the expansion of automatic voter registration and online voter registration.


It is time to end gerrymandering once and for all so that voters select their elected officials – not the other way around. HR1 should establish clear rules around state redistricting processes so that maps can be drawn fairly. 


Prohibiting illegal voter roll purging will ensure that eligible voters will not find themselves wrongfully stripped of the right to vote.


Restoring the Voting Rights Act will strengthen our elections by cutting back the obstructive laws that have kept eligible voters from exercising their right at the ballot box. Since the Supreme Court’s Shelby County decision rolled back key provisions of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, we have seen the process of voting become more challenging, especially for women and communities of color. 

In addition to these four priorities, LWVUS is also open to working on other important election reform measures, such as ensuring election security and addressing public financing systems to get money out of politics and put power back into the hands of small donors. 

The League of Women Voters is proud to be an active coalition partner in ensuring that HR1 comprises bold democracy reforms and necessary voter protections. The LWV calls on all legislators, regardless of party, to support any such legislation that is indisputably by and for the people. 

The League’s coalition partners are organizing in-district drop-in meetings around the country on December 20. These meetings are a quick way to urge your Congressperson to prioritize democracy reform when they get back in January.  

There’s no need to make an appointment, but if you'd like to go with others, you can check to see if others are going at the same time using this website

Find your Representative here.

Thank you for all you do to empower voters and defend democracy.